Annotation Papers


For these papers, you will annotate and respond to a passage from your reading, linked below. In your response, you will make a well-organized argument (with a thesis statement) about your reading and how it relates to a theme from the novel. Length: 600-800 words (or 2-3 pages).

Annotation 2 passage: Pick ONE of these passages for the Annotation 2 paper.

Submit your Annotation Paper here.


First, choose a passage (2-3 paragraphs, no more than a page) that seems significant or interesting to you.

Second, read and annotate the passage. When annotating, comment on the following:

  • Clarification: indicate your questions about context or meaning, and explain tricky sentences or significant moments in your own words.
  • Literary Devices: identify literary devices AND explain how they work. What choices does the author make with specific words (diction) or comparisons? Why are these choices significant?
  • Narration: consider the presence of the narrator and how he tells the story. What is the perspective, how does the story unfold, what is our experience as readers of the story?

After annotating, do the following:

  1. Write a brief summary of the passage, in your own words. This will be your introduction. (Your thesis statement will go at the end of your introduction)
  2. Review your annotations, and look for patterns or themes (significant ideas). Pick one or two points that seem important and interesting to you. Tip: use your chosen points to create claims (which will become your body paragraphs) about your reading of the passage.
  3. From your chosen points, construct an argument, with a thesis statement, that addresses a theme from the novel. You will explicitly argue how your reading of the passage enhances or deepens your understanding of the text.
  4. Use the “Claims, Evidence, Analysis” structure to organize your argument into paragraphs (there should be at least two body paragraphs).
  5. Using your notes and evidence from the passage to back up your claims and to guide your analysis. Blend your evidence, introducing and explaining your quotes. If stuck in analysis, always return to the quote, and find more to say.

Directions for uploading your file to Google Drive:

Once you are at the folder on Google Drive, click “NEW” (next to a little plus sign) on the top right.

On the dropdown menu that appears, click “FILE UPLOAD.” Then you can select which file to add to the folder. You’re done!